
10 Ways to Repurpose Content like Nicki Minaj – transcript

10 Ways to Repurpose Content like Nicki Minaj – transcript

10 Ways to Repurpose Content like Nicki Minaj – transcript

But seeing Nicki Minaj his marketing strategy for Beam Me Up Scotty really gave me the inspiration and the push I needed. And I want to explain why in this video. Hey it’s Shontavia. Welcome to handle your business. The place where working professionals who want to make more income and impact with their ideas. We are back like Nicki Minaj when she released Beam me up Scotty last week. Now y’all know Nicki Minaj took a little bit of a hiatus.

But last week, she re released Beam me up Scotty, which was a mixtape that came out the first time in 2009. And she released it in 2021 with three new songs and all the original songs which had been kind of repaired, repurposed and repackage. So I also took a little bit of a hiatus for the past couple of months. I have to tell you COVID has been rough, like this whole pandemic has been rough. I’ve been working from home virtual schooling, doing all the things trying to take care of my mental health. So I took a little bit of a break from a lot of things, but like I said, earlier, we are back. I’ve been trying to figure out the right time to jump back in. There’s kind of like double dutch you have to watch everything that’s going on and jump back in at the right time. But seeing Nicki Minaj’s marketing strategy for Beam Me Up Scotty really gave me the inspiration and the push I needed.

And I want to explain why in this video since Nicki Minaj released this mixtape last week, this beam me up Scotty mixtape, her name has been everywhere, even when she’s not there. The album is like number two on the Billboard 200. She’s got four songs on the Hot 100 list this week. So she’s really killing the game. In fact, one of the singles seeing green is like everywhere right now is her Drake and Lil Wayne, the song is above and I have played it a lot of times. And I really have been just like very interested in watching not only just listening to the music, but watching how all of this is going down. So when Nicki Minaj did here was so smart, she is killing the game with content that is 12 years old, plus a little bit of new stuff. And it really has gotten me thinking differently about content marketing, and how to repurpose content. So this is a pop culture class lesson on 10 ways you can repurpose content like Nicki Minaj.

Now first of all, if you’re going to be repurposing content, that means you actually have to have some old content. And when I say content, I mean things like articles, blog posts, videos, interviews, podcast episodes, that kind of thing. And if you are listening, and you’re like, I don’t know, if I have any content, I don’t know how to create content I want you to visit startmakingcontent.com. And what you’ll get there is more than 60 different types of content that you can create, I put together a whole list for all kinds of content you can create no matter what your background is, no matter what your industry is. So head over to startmakingcontent.com if you need a little more guidance about what content is, whether you have it and what you can create, if you don’t know me, I wear a lot of hats as a professor and teacher as a consultant, as an intellectual property lawyer.

But no matter what role I have, and what hat I’m wearing, my goal is to help people like you, especially black women, start and grow businesses that allow them to make more money, allow them to make more impact and allow them to own their genius. Alright, so let’s get into it. Let me help you repurpose your content like Nicki Minaj. And I’m going to give you 10 different ways you can do that.

Number one reshare old content, maybe with some updates, Nicki Minaj released Beam me up Scotty the first time in 2009. And then she re released it in 2021 with three new songs. So she said she’s never in her life, put a mixtape on streaming services. And what she’s doing here is putting Beam me up Scotty, for the first time on digital service providers. So that’s like iTunes, Amazon, Spotify, Apple Music, Tidal, YouTube Music, things like that. So you can reshare your old content, maybe with some updates. So her updates are putting them on different platforms, and then also adding three new songs. You can do the same thing. Go look at some of the old things you’ve created. We have Instagram reels now we have LinkedIn stories, we’ve got Tik Tok. Are there ways you can take your old content and put them on some of these new platforms?

In addition, if you have old content, how can you refresh that new content? If you’re a lawyer, or there may be some new changes to the law where you can take an old article and add some new things? If you’re a professor, can you pull out some of your scholarship? Take a look at it that’s been written for like the university setting and for journals and for other academic publications. Can you rewrite those things for the public? There are lots of different ways you can take old content and refresh them and put them on new or different platforms. So that’s the first thing reshare old content, maybe with some updates.

Number two, build anticipation with announcements. So Nicki Minaj went live on Instagram before anybody knew really that her mixtape was coming out. And she went directly to her followers to the barbs to her fans, she got on Instagram that she was a little bit late. But she showed up, she built that anticipation for her announcement. And I thought that was brilliant. Because she had been away for a little while she knew people still wanted to hear from her. And she didn’t just drop a new thing. She went directly to the people who she knows rides for her, she went to her tribe, you can

also do this, you can build anticipation with your audience for what’s coming. So me, for example, I could use this video to say, hey, in the middle of June, I’m opening up the doors for the Brand and Business Academy, which is a six week program that allows you to take that idea you have and turn it into a money making brand and business, no matter what stage you’re in, listen, this is going to take you out of your head and allow you to share your message with the world. I can say you get on demand and live training this community, you get coaching directly from me. And I’ll help you leverage your content. And you can apply for the Brand and Business Academy at brandandbusinessacademy.com. So that’s an example of how you can build anticipation with announcements. I haven’t talked about the fact that I’m opening the doors to the Brand and Business Academy anywhere else yet. But you just got a little snippet of that. And you can be first in line when the doors do open if you visit brandandbusinessacademy.com. So Nicki Minaj did that. And I’m encouraging you to think about doing that too.

Number three, release multiple versions of your content. So one really interesting thing I noticed about Nicki Minaj’s strategy on Twitter was she released the original version of one of the songs that came off the album seeing green, she first released the explicit version. And then she came back later, because some of her fans were like, hey, for those of us who, you know, don’t want our parents to hear all the curse words or whatever, do you have another version of the song, and she came back really quickly was like, Oh, yeah, I also had the clean version of the song and she released the clean version of the song. Now you might not have clean and dirty versions of your content. But maybe your content can be tailored to different types of customers. So if you’re selling, for example, a personal branding program to individuals, is there a way you can shift it a little bit to create a program for employee resource groups that teach employees how to build their personal brand at work? That’s one idea, there are all kinds of ways you can take your content and tailor it to a different audience. So that’s number three, release multiple versions of your content.

Number four, create long form content and multiple formats. And really, they should actually be number four. And number five, because Nicki Minaj use this in a couple different ways that I want to share with you here. So when I say long form content, what I really mean is one piece of content that covers one idea or concept. So like one blog post, one video, one podcast episode, that kind of thing. And so with Nicki Minaj, she recorded the song, she recorded a music video for the song, she also has the instrumental for the song, she has multiple different flavors to that one piece of content. And you can do the same thing. You can take a YouTube video, for example, and extract the audio and turn the audio into a podcast, you can take the video or the audio and turn that into a blog post. So you can take that one piece of long form content and turn it into three different opportunities to have repurpose content across a number of different platforms. And we haven’t even talked about how you can take the video, the blog post the audio and cut that up into snippets to share on social media. But think about that think about creating long form content in a couple of different formats. So really, let’s call it number four and five, because if you’re creating videos or podcast episodes or whatever, you can turn that into a lot of different things.

Okay, so number six is something that I absolutely love. And this is releasing behind the scenes content, the people who follow you who have actively opted in to see what you have to say, are interested in you. And it’s not just in your expertise. Now people want to feel connections to the folks that they follow. And this behind the scenes kind of content makes people feel connected to you. So they recorded the video for the song seeing green her Nicki or her Lil Wayne and Drake. And then they also recorded this kind of like behind the scenes video for the end. actual video that included it, but like her husband and her son and like some other things in the video, and people want to see that stuff, they want to see how like a little bit behind the scenes, many of us will never be behind the scenes on a music video. So she knows, or her team knows that this is something that would interest people. And you can do this too. So maybe you have a mic check. Maybe you take some screenshots from like, a Zoom pre meeting, maybe if you’re going to a speaking engagement, you show some scenes from like, when you’re waiting, getting ready to go on stage. If you have a podcast, you could take some pictures of your setup or whatever. People like seeing that stuff. They like feeling connected to you and makes people feel like they’re insiders. So number six, sharing behind the scenes information and pictures and video and that kind of thing. People love to see that stuff.

Number seven, and I’m preaching to myself when I say number seven, use pictures. And again, this is something I don’t necessarily love. I know many of us like just don’t like the way we look in pictures don’t like the way our voice sounds or whatever. But pictures do work. You can take pictures, and use them to tell all kinds of stories and to get people excited about whatever is coming. And Nicki did this beautifully too. So before she made the announcement about the mixtape, pictures from that behind the scenes shoot, or from that music video shoot went viral. Because people love seeing pictures of her son in a real head if you feel comfortable using pictures of children, your followers people love pictures of children. I don’t really feel that comfortable using pictures of children from my own personal reasons. But if you do, using pictures of children really does help because people love seeing pictures of kids.

Alright, so number eight is another one that I thought Nicki did really, really well encourage your audience to reshare your content, she released the instrumental to the Seeing Green, and she asked people to go do their own freestyles put their own wraps over the instrumental for Seeing green. And lots of people did that. So even though the song was released, at this point, maybe about a week ago, people are still like posting their own version of like their raps, over Seeing gGeen or whatever. And that is allowing this continuous conversation loop about Seeing Green about Beam Me Ip Scotty about Nicki Minaj. And it’s a really, really smart way to do business. So some of this stuff may or may not apply. But I’m gonna give you some examples of how you can ask your audience to share and reshare or at least encourage your audience to share and reshare your content. Obviously, you can always just ask them, Hey, please share this content. But what people really like to share are things where they feel like they can get involved. So people love answering questions, multiple choice questions, ABC, or pick your top three out of 10 there was this meme that went viral a couple of weeks ago on Twitter where it was like pictures of like nine or 10 different r&b groups, male and female. And it was like pick your top three out of these 10 and you got 1000s and 1000s of retweets and shares and repost on Instagram because people love seeing that kind of stuff. They love brain teasers. They love math questions. People love sharing this stuff where they feel like they’re also involved. So are there ways that you can do that with whatever type of content you’re creating, to get more of your audience engaged and talking about your content and sharing your content and

that kind of thing.

Number nine is clutch and that is sharing testimonials and reviews. So this gives you social proof and lets your followers and people who don’t know you and that you’re a real person and you get results for real people. And that real people like your work. So one of the things Nicki Minaj did right after Beam me up Scotty came out was posted this picture with all these different reviews and testimonials about the album and it was like 20 different reviews and comments about how great Beam me up Scotty was and how people are gonna love it. And I thought that was so smart because she’s saying, hey, lots of people who are really well respected in the music industry, love this mixtape. So you should check it out, too, and you can use this strategy. Get testimonials and reviews from people who you help. And it doesn’t have to be somebody who’s paid you even if it was free. If you got a result for somebody else. Ask them for testimonial, ask them for a review and share that information. Again number nine is really close sharing testimonials and reviews. Getting that social proof is something that’s really going to help you attract new people to you and to whatever product or service that you’re selling

number 10 is probably the most important and this is engage with your audience when you post this repurpose content retweet. them comment, talk, talk to them. Talk about the work with your audience. We get so caught up in social media, but how many followers we have how many likes how many retweets, how many, blah, blah, blah about me, when really you have to give what you want to get. If you want more comments on your posts, and on your tweets, go comment on other people’s things. If you want people to engage with your content, go engage with other people, really, your social media account should be about service. If you want to sell products and services to other people, if you really want to be of service to your audience, you have to serve them first. And not just in your own account, go comment on other people’s pages on other people’s tweets, retweet them, engage with them and make them a nice day this really well, when she released Beam me up Scotty, people asking her all these questions, especially things that you couldn’t really Google easily and find out about her about the making of the album and all of that. And she answered a ton of questions. She was answering lots of questions from lots of different fans that she thought would be of interest to other fans. So it got more people talking about the album talking about the singles, and talking about Nicki Minaj. And so she was trending on social media for quite some time, because it wasn’t just that she posted something and went and checked how many likes and retweets she got. She really was engaging with other people. And this is something you should do to visit the pages, the posts the accounts of people who follow you, and people who you think should follow you, even if they don’t follow you yet, post valuable responses on their content, answer people’s questions on social media, and not just the big accounts or the verified accounts or whatever. But people who really need you to be of service to them. I try my best to do this about 30 minutes each and every day. I’m not always successful. I told y’all I took a little break, but I’m getting back on it right now. And really when I see the most engagement, and also, frankly, more people wanting to hire me and work with me, is when I do that consistently. So there you have it 10 ways you can repurpose your content like Nicki Minaj.

Let me run down the list again and give you just a quick and dirty summary. So first reshare old content, maybe with some updates. Second, build anticipation with announcements. Third, release multiple versions of your content. four and five, create long form content in multiple formats. Number six released behind the scenes content. Number seven, use pictures. Number eight, encourage your audience to reuse and share your content. Number nine, share testimonials and reviews. Number 10. engage with people who follow you be of service I would love to hear from you in the comments about the ways you repurpose your old stuff.

Now if you’re watching this, you’re like I don’t have a favorite way to repurpose content. I don’t even know how to create content, make sure you check out startmakingcontent.com to get more than 60 ways to repurpose your content. For me. It’s just a list of 60 different things you can do. I’m not saying kill yourself and do all 60 I’m not even saying kill yourself and do all 10 of the different ways I mentioned you can repurpose content here. Just want to give you some ideas so you can get out of your head and get your ideas out here with the rest of us. And while you wait for the next video. Check out these two videos that are also about content. Thank you for watching. If you like this video, make sure you subscribe make sure you hit the bell so you get notices when I post new content and when I go Live. Thanks

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