
#7: Creating content that builds your personal brand

#7: Creating content that builds your personal brand

#7: Creating content that builds your personal brand

Have you ever had a day where you want to sit at home, kick your feet up, and chill? Me too. Our bodies and minds need this kind of rest.

What DOESN’T need this kind of rest is your content—your blog posts, website, social media posts, videos, interviews, podcast episodes, etc.

Your content should be working hard AF for you around the clock. After you’ve create these things, they should get no. 👏🏿days. 👏🏿off. 👏🏿

The internet doesn’t sleep and neither should your content.

Your content should serve as 24-hour proof about your brand, business, work, and expertise to people who don’t already know. This is how others will to come to see you as the go-to authority or expert in your industry or field.

Using the techniques I suggest below, your personal brand can shift from blowing in the wind with no direction to consistent and strategic activity that moves you closer to your dream.

On this week’s episode of The Shontavia Show, I tackle the question of how you can get to the strategy of building your personal brand with content.

Check it out below.

To summarize the episode, I suggest that you do three things to create content that builds your brand and reputation:

  1. Pick a few types of content to create.
  2. Identify themes you can create content around; and
  3. Make a schedule for creating and posting content and stick to it.

These simple steps will get you on a strategic track with creating content. The opportunities that align will come, and probably sooner than you think.

Questions & Action

After you’ve had a chance to watch the video, I’d love to hear from you in the comments section!

Please answer these questions for me:

  • What kind of content do you struggle to create right now that is important for your business?
  • In a perfect world, what kind of content would you create regularly to improve the lives of your audience?

Please give as much information as you can in response to these questions. I’d be happy to share more tools and resources that help you get what you want. And, I know the other folks reading this can learn from your experiences! We are all in this together.

Download the app

Finally, I always say that I’m on a mission to help people build the brands, businesses and lives that they love. We can learn from each other on this journey, particularly when we have accountability partners. This is why I am building a whole nation of side-hustlers, creatives and business owners who keep each other––and me––accountable.

You can join my support network–which I affectionately call the Leverage Nation–online and via app. Check us out at programs.shontavia.com or via the Mighty Networks App.

First, download the Mighty Network app by clicking here. Second, once it downloads, click “Find a Mighty Network” and search for Shontavia Johnson. You’ll find content there that I may not share elsewhere.

Thank you so much for joining me on this roller coaster of an experience.

I am eternally grateful that I get to do this work with wonderful people like you each day.

Let’s make it happen,

Show Notes

Grow a business and brand with social media: My plan: https://shontavia.com/grow-a-business-and-brand-with-social-media-my-plan/

Where to start with your personal brand: https://shontavia.com/where-to-start-with-your-personal-brand/

Advice for content creators from Devale and Khadeen Ellis: https://shontavia.com/advice-for-content-creators-from-devale-and-khadeen-ellis/

Tour of Tyler Perry Studios with Tyler Perry: https://youtu.be/zgacuXdzCmw

Dead Ass podcast episode: For The Content Creators Out There https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/for-the-content-creators-out-there/id1460329478?i=1000442000091

Khadeen Ellis on IG: https://www.instagram.com/khadeeniam

Devale Ellis on IG: https://www.instagram.com/iamdevale

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