
Vision Challenge – Day 3 – Why are you starting your business?

Vision Challenge – Day 3 – Why are you starting your business?

Vision Challenge – Day 3 – Why are you starting your business?

Day 3 Goal

Answer the following question – why do you want to start your business?

How to Make it Happen

Today’s goal is straightforward–your entire job is to write down your “why.” What, or who, is motivating you to start your business?

Identifying what motivates you will be critically important as you continue down this path. Things will get difficult and you may want to throw in the towel. But, if you know and keep your motivations in mind, you will be more likely to stick with it when you face challenges and roadblocks.

If you’re like many people, money may be one of your motivations. Money definitely has some motivational effects–these bills don’t pay themselves, right?

Of course, money gives us access to some incredible things, and it is fine to want those things. If money is one of the reasons you want to start a business, don’t be ashamed to admit it. Say it with your chest!

But, money-based motivation alone doesn’t last very long. A few years ago, the Harvard Business Review published an article about this, noting that money is not a sufficient motivator over the long-term when it comes to salaries, jobs and careers. One group of researchers looked at more than a century of research and basically found that there’s very little correlation between money and job satisfaction.

As such, even if you start your business and make tons of money, your financial success probably won’t keep you happy, fulfilled, or motivated to continue over the long term.

So if money isn’t the answer, what is? What is pulling you in this direction? The key today is to identify as many “whys” as possible.

Kickstarter Questions

If you need help with today’s goal, here are some kickstarter questions to get your brain moving and thoughts flowing:

  • What is motivating you to start your business?
  • Why do you care whether your business succeeds or fails?
  • Who else will care if your business succeeds or fails?
  • Whose lives will be improved if your business is wildly successful? This may include paying customers, but it may also include other people, like your family or other loved ones.
  • What about your community, and/or the world, will be better if your business is in it?

My story

Today, instead of my own story, I want to share a podcast episode about Tiffany Aliche, a successful business owner and multimillionaire based in New Jersey. Tiffany recently told her story on Brown Ambition, the podcast she co-hosts.

In the episode, Tiffany shares that she was so committed to her “why” that she couldn’t even take money from the very first customer who hired her. Check out the full episode to find out why.

If you’re short on time, download the episode or stream it from your phone in the car on the way to/from work. If you don’t have a Spotify account to play the embedded episode below, click here for an Apple Podcasts link.

*Now, I know this episode is longer than the 30 minutes I’ve asked you to block for yourself. Go ahead and do your part of the goal first. Tiffany already has her millions–we are trying to get ours!

After you get a chance to listen to the Brown Ambition episode, I’d love to hear your thoughts about Tiffany’s “why.” For me, I was most moved by how dedicated Tiffany was to her vision, even when things were bleak. Her motivation kept her going when many others would have quit.

Hearing her story will help you understand why you truly have to find your “why” as you embark on this business journey.

Finally, if you’d like to share your vision with me on social media, tag me @shontaviajesq (on all platforms) and use the #VisionChallenge hashtag so that I can see it.

If nothing else, take a picture of your completed workbook page and post it so that I know you’re alive out there.

See you tomorrow!

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Studies show that you’re more likely to meet your goals when you have accountability partners! To work together with a supportive community of other side-hustlers, creatives and entrepreneurs, you can join my private group by clicking this link or via the Mighty Networks App.

Download the Mighty Network app by clicking here. Once it downloads, click “Find a Mighty Network” and search for Shontavia Johnson. You’ll find accountability partners and other content there that I may not share elsewhere.

New to the #VisionChallenge? You can learn more about it, and sign up to take the challenge, by clicking here.

Sometimes I will refer you to other books, products or services. While I may be an affiliate of these companies, creators, or authors, these are all things I have used and trust. I would not recommend these things to you if I hadn’t experienced them myself.

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