
Vision Challenge – Day 22 – Organizing your vision

Vision Challenge – Day 22 – Organizing your vision

Vision Challenge – Day 22 – Organizing your vision

Day 22 Goal

Your goal today is to look over everything you’ve written thus far and start organizing your vision.

In particular, you’ll write three things for your business:

  • the mission,
  • the business’ focus, and
  • its values.

How to Make it Happen

I have to say, I’m really proud of you today! If you’ve made it this far, you have shown more dedication than most people ever will. Congratulations for giving your dreams the time and attention they deserve.

The final week of the Vision Challenge is all about taking your brainstormed ideas and turning them into a plan of action.

Today, I’d like you to focus on the big picture of what you’re creating. The three topics for today–mission, focus and values–will drive everything you do. They’ll be your decision-making compasses. In addition, they’ll help you decide when to say yes or no to opportunities.

As you write down your business’ mission, focus and vision in your workbook, rely on all of the things you wrote from the first three weeks of the Vision Challenge.

You may have to whittle down some elements, but this is a good thing. Getting laser-focused will increase your ability to execute. You can also broaden things out later as you learn and grow.

In the final paragraphs, I’ve included some more details for your business’ mission, focus and vision, along with a few examples.


Your business’ mission is a summary of its goals and vision. It answers the questions–“why am I creating this business?” and “why does this business exist at all?” What is more, the mission defines the business’ purpose for both internal and external parties.

By way of example, here’s the working mission for my company, LVRG (pronounced “leverage”):

LVRG is on a mission to help entrepreneurs build a brand, business and life that they love. We work with people who want to both leverage their expertise through entrepreneurial endeavors and positively impact the world.


Your business’ focus includes the top 3 or so priorities that will be integral to your business. I know this is a little fluffy, but you can think of your business’ focus as the common threads you want to remain present in all of your work.

For example, my company’s focuses include: inspiring other people, de-complicating business, and exhibiting culturally competent intelligence. In everything LVRG does, I want to exude these things. If a project or opportunity does not fit my company’s focus, I do not let it enter our atmosphere.


Your business’ values establish how the company should be managed internally and communicated externally. These are usually, but not always, 3-5 words or short phrases. For inspiration, check out this list of 190 examples of business values from successful businesses: https://inside.6q.io/190-examples-of-company-values/.

After you have some language you’re proud of, shoot me a message or post on social media to let me know that you’re getting focused!

You can share with me on social media by tagging me @shontaviajesq on all platforms and using the #VisionChallenge hashtag so that I can see it. Or, you can comment directly below.

If nothing else, take a picture of your completed workbook page(s) so that I know you’re doing the homework!

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In addition, studies show that you’re more likely to meet your goals when you have accountability partners! To work together with a supportive community of other side-hustlers, creatives and entrepreneurs, you can join my private group by clicking this link or via the Mighty Networks App.

Download the Mighty Network app by clicking here. Once it downloads, click “Find a Mighty Network” and search for Shontavia Johnson. You’ll find accountability partners and other content there that I may not share elsewhere.

New to the #VisionChallenge? You can learn more about it, and sign up to take the challenge, by clicking here.

Sometimes I will refer you to other books, products or services. While I may be an affiliate of these companies, creators, or authors, these are all things I have used and trust. I would not recommend these things to you if I hadn’t experienced them myself.

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