“I don’t have enough TIME to make this happen.” “I don’t have enough money to start a business.” “I don’t know all the steps I need to take to do this right.” “Who would even buy anything from me anyway?”
Is this you?
Making aaalllll of the excuses to sabotage your dream of starting a business that allows you to work within your passion, make more money, and build a dynamic brand?
We’ve all been there at some point. It’s a horrible but very, very common belief that you can’t do or don’t have what it takes to get your business up and running.
This is why I want to talk about excuses, aka the lies you tell, that keep you from starting your business.
Don’t do it to yourself, sis.
In this episode of the Shontavia Show, I talk about excuses, including the many I would make (whew, how much time do we have?) back when I wanted to start a business but didn’t really know how.
I was tired, frustrated, and feeling an internal pull that I really didn’t know what to do about.
This frustration led me to work with a business coach who shared one simple rule that literally changed my entire mindset and finally got me un-stuck and out of my head.
The don’t-can’t-won’t rule.
This rule requires that, any time you find yourself saying “I don’t have”/”I can’t” statements, you replace them with won’t action statements.
I am not kidding when I say this changed my entire mindset. Anytime I hear myself making excuses now, I go back to this rule and get myself all the way together.
Check out the full episode below to learn more about the don’t have-won’t rule, and how I’ve used it to change my life and my business trajectory.
*Warning, there’s a little profanity in this episode.
Show Notes
‘Who is this Robert Smith?’: A quiet billionaire makes some noise with $20 million gift to the African American museum: https://www.washingtonpost.com/national/who-is-this-robert-smith-a-quiet-billionaire-makes-some-noise-with-20-million-gift-to-the-african-american-museum/2016/09/23/547da3a8-6fd0-11e6-8365-b19e428a975e_story.html
Hamilton At The White House “The Schuyler Sisters:” https://youtu.be/_ffjFS_4I8c
Report: Women-owned businesses jumped 3,000% since 1972: https://www.fastcompany.com/90224242/report-women-owned-businesses-jumped-3000-since-1972
Black Women Entrepreneurs: The Good And Not-So-Good News: https://www.forbes.com/sites/nextavenue/2018/09/09/black-women-entrepreneurs-the-good-and-not-so-good-news/#46ad5b5a6ffe
The Amazing Power of ‘I Don’t’ vs. ‘I Can’t’: https://www.forbes.com/sites/heidigranthalvorson/2013/03/14/the-amazing-power-of-i-dont-vs-i-cant/#303f8c3dd037
Finding extra time to start your business: https://shontavia.com/episode20/
Questions and Action: Identify and eliminate your excuses
After you’ve had a chance to watch the video, I’d love to hear from you in the comments section!
Please answer the questions relevant to your current situation:
1. What excuses do you tell yourself about starting your business and putting yourself out there?
2. What “don’t have” statements do you continue to repeat?
3. Write your “don’t have” statements down and replace “don’t have” with “won’t” action statements.
Please give as much information as you can in response to these questions. I’d be happy to share more tools and resources that help you get what you want.
Check out the show notes at the end of this page for a few resources from this episode.
Thank you so much for joining me on this roller coaster of an experience.
I am eternally grateful that I get to do this work with creators, entrepreneurs and innovators like yourself.
Let’s make it happen,
What excuses do you tell yourself about starting your business and putting yourself out there?
1. I don’t know where to start
2. I don’t know what to offer
3. I don’t have the credentials to be taken seriously
1. I won’t ask for help from others because I’m fearful I’ll seem unprepared because I don’t have all the answers or a clear vision.
2. I won’t take the time to “try” different ideas to find my true passion due to a fear of public failure
3. I won’t take the time to research what credentials (if any) I need. I won’t take the time to find creative ways to “legitimize“ my skills.
Oh man…this is hard but soooo important! I have told myself all three of these things at various points in time. Let me just tell you:
You CAN ask for help (hellooo – here I am!).
You CAN try different ideas and fail forward. Walt Disney’s first company went bankrupt. Michael Jordan didn’t make his high school varsity basketball team. Oprah was fired from her first job for being unfit for television. Girl, failure sets you up for success.
And, credentials, shmredentials…can you solve someone else’s problem? If so, there’s a niche out there for you.