
Articles about everything

Build a Successful Business by Focusing on Solving Problems

https://youtu.be/ljqQvNpVvU4 The most successful businesses focus on solving a problem and being of service to others. Check out this video for why you need to shift your business's focus from me me me to solving other people's problems.

#36: How to create your brand identity AND support anti-racism, with branding expert Jess Avolio

Creating a public facing brand in this era of cancel culture, performative allyship, and crowdsourced outrage can be tough. It's hard to know when to speak up vs. stay silent, stay in your lane vs. veer into another one, and engage vs. ignore. Long gone are the days...

How to Build a Personal Brand and Stand Out in Business

https://youtu.be/70AUr7XFRcU Wondering how to stand out in your crowded field, especially against larger, more well-established businesses and entrepreneurs? Here are the 3 questions you need to ask yourself so that you start your new business in a way that attracts...

#35: How to build a movement and change the world while growing your own brand, with #FreeTheHair founder Wendy Greene

I love my natural hair. I stopped using chemical relaxants in 2007, did the big chop in 2008, and haven't looked back since! As is common with many black women, the natural hair journey is a process that can be an emotional roller coaster because of societal norms...