Day 15 Goal
Your goal this week is to identify your issue or topic — this is the overarching, big-picture focus as you build your brand and business. You should be able to describe your issue in no more than four words.
How to Make it Happen
Now that you’ve spent the past two weeks thinking about both your future vision and your current positioning, it is time to get clarity on your business model and messaging.
The first step is to identify your topic. You want to be broad enough to encompass your vision, but narrow enough that you can create a niche that sets you apart from others. You might think this in terms of, “if someone is looking for help like mine, what would they google?”
Brainstorm a few options that you describe in less than four words—and preferably two-ish words.
Ultimately, you should settle on the option that best appeals to your target audience. You may even want to reach out to a few people in your target audience to see what they like best.
Now, I know some of you are like me and passionate about multiple things. This is great, and you should explore all of the things you are passionate about.
But, it will be tough to do all of those things at the same time. My suggestion is that you make a decision on one thing for now.
Your time is precious and limited, and you will find yourself overtaxed if you try to do too much at once. You can always expand once you master your first topic.
And, if you find that your first choice of topic ultimately doesn’t work for you, scratch it and start over.
After you’ve had a chance to identify your issue/topic, write it in the chart on page 37.
Then, let me know what your focus will be! You can send it to me on social media by tagging me @shontaviajesq on all platforms and using the #VisionChallenge hashtag so that I can see it. Or, you can comment directly below.
If nothing else, take a picture of your completed workbook page(s) so that I know you’re doing the homework!
Join my support network
In addition, studies show that you’re more likely to meet your goals when you have accountability partners! To work together with a supportive community of other side-hustlers, creatives and entrepreneurs, you can join my private group by clicking this link or via the Mighty Networks App.
Download the Mighty Network app by clicking here. Once it downloads, click “Find a Mighty Network” and search for Shontavia Johnson. You’ll find accountability partners and other content there that I may not share elsewhere.
New to the #VisionChallenge? You can learn more about it, and sign up to take the challenge, by clicking here.
Sometimes I will refer you to other books, products or services. While I may be an affiliate of these companies, creators, or authors, these are all things I have used and trust. I would not recommend these things to you if I hadn’t experienced them myself.