Your goal this week is to review and reflect on everything you’ve done thus far. Next, use pages 31-32 in your workbook to explore how this makes you feel.
If you feel any negative emotions, explore why you think that is.
How to Make it Happen
Lots of research shows that having vision, particularly a written vision, increases the chances that you’ll achieve your goal. This is even biblical.
And the Lord answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it.
Habakkuk 2:2
Because today is mostly about your reflections, I won’t throw a lot of new information at you. Today’s goal is about you and how your vision is shaping up. So, please spend most of your time on that.
In addition, however, do want to share some motivation with you. As you’re reflecting on your vision, self-doubt may creep in and tell you that this stuff is impossible.
This is natural, but it doesn’t have to scare you into inaction.
You can have your vision. And I want to share three different stories with you to inspire you to keep going.
#1. From Luvvie Ajayi, a blogger-turned New York Times best-seller, speaker, and strategist”
#2. From Tiffany Aliche, AKA “The Budgetnista,” a preschool teacher-turned national personal finance expert:
#3. Finally, this TEDxWillowCreek talk by Ashanti Johnson, a broke-daydreamer-turned successful fitness instructor: